Broker Relationships Act (1HR CE BRA)
Instructor: Lisa Marney
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 15th from 11:30a- 12:30p
Sponsor: Cutco Closing Gifts
Location: EBR Office (1065 N Bryant)
**Please park in the lot behind EBR (to the south)
CE Cancellation Policy - If less than 10 people are registered 48hrs before the class, we will reschedule. (unless the instructor wants to move forward). You will be notified by email if the class is rescheduled.
NOTICE: Starting January 1, 2023 the Board of Directors approved a no call/ no show fee to be added when members do not cancel their registrations for class and do not attend. If we do not hear from you 24 hours prior to class your account will be invoiced $25.
This course is provided by AAA Handyman, Chicago Title, and Veterans Community Mortgage. To register scan the QR code in the flyer or click here: MASTERING THE PERFECT VA LOAN PROCESS - JAN 20TH 2024
Understanding the Appraisal Process (1HR CE ELEC)
Instructor: Jevon Tresner
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 22nd from 10:00a - 11:00a
Location: EBR office
Breakfast Sponsor: FirsTitle and SWBC Mortgage
*Please park in the lot behind EBR (to the south)
CE Cancellation Policy - If less than 10 people are registered 48hrs before the class, we will reschedule. (unless the instructor wants to move forward). You will be notified by email if the class is rescheduled.
NOTICE: Starting January 1, 2023 the Board of Directors approved a no call/ no show fee to be added when members do not cancel their registrations for class and do not attend. If we do not hear from you 24 hours prior to class your account will be invoiced $25.
Understanding the Basics of Home Financing (1HR CE ELEC)
Instructor: Dean Riddell
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 22 from 11:00a - 12:00p
Location: EBR Office (1065 N Bryant) *Please park in the lot behind EBR (to the south)
Sponsors: FirsTitle and SWBC Mortgage
CE Cancellation Policy - If less than 10 people are registered 48hrs before the class, we will reschedule. (unless the instructor wants to move forward). You will be notified by email if the class is rescheduled.
NOTICE: Starting January 1, 2023 the Board of Directors approved a no call/ no show fee to be added when members do not cancel their registrations for class and do not attend. If we do not hear from you 24 hours prior to class your account will be invoiced $25.
Live ZOOM - Fair Housing (3HR CE FHR)
Date/Time: Thursday, January 23rd from 9:00a -12:00p
Location: ONLINE through our partners at The Lancaster Institute. All classes with The Lancaster Institute will be offered via online platforms at affordable prices. To register to the upcoming course follow this link:
Description: This course aims to focus on the importance and history of the Federal Fair Housing Act and its application in today's real estate environment. We will discuss how the Department of Housing and Urban Development enforces the Federal Fair Housing Act as well as review the most common discriminatory practices like service and assistive animals and how to best handle a reasonable accommodation request. We will also examine examples of Federal Fair Housing complaints and discuss Federal Fair Housing initiatives and resources.
Live ZOOM - Estate Planning and Taxes (3HR ELEC)
Date/Time: Thursday, January 23rd from 12:30p -3:30p
Location: ONLINE through our partners at The Lancaster Institute. All classes with The Lancaster Institute will be offered via online platforms at affordable prices. To register for the upcoming course follow this link:
Description: Upon completion of this course, the agent will gain an overview of tax issues and factors that influence older adult’s decisions to buy or sell a home. This course will apply knowledge of how household composition impacts retirement plans and housing choices for older adults. We will discuss the advantages of a will and the pitfalls that can occur without one. Finally, we will review how the transfer of property works through a will, probate, or succession; and how to manage potential legal liabilities to avoid conflicts of interest in real estate transactions.
This course is not provided by EBR. Please contact