To put your name down to volunteer for a committee click here.

Do you want to get involved in the Edmond Board of REALTORS®? One great way is to sign-up for a committee!

Committees are the backbone of our organization, playing a pivotal role in decision-making, project implementation, and shaping our future.

Why should you get involved?

Impact & Influence: By serving on a committee, you can directly contribute to the direction and success of our organization. Your input will help share policies, initiatives, and projects that align with our strategic plan.

Professional Development: Committee service is an opportunity to expand your skills, network with like-minded individuals, and gain valuable experience.

Networking: Joining a committee means working closely with other members who share your passion and dedication.

Leadership Opportunities: Committee work often provides leadership roles that can be beneficial for your personal and career development. You can lead a project, chair a committee, or even become part of the Leadership Team in the future.

Learning & Education: Engaging with a committee offers a unique opportunity to learn about the inner workings of our organization, the industry, and current trends.

A Chance to Give Back: Serving on a committee is a way to give back to the real estate industry, community and profession you care about. Your contributions help further the mission and vision of our organization.

As we start planning for 2025, we want to encourage you to get involved. Our board is full of talented and dedicated leaders, and we need your help.

Your participation is vital to the success of our board, so take a moment to review the committees and see how you can make a difference.

Submit your committee interest form by November 30th.



BUILDING: Inspect the EBR Building annually to determine if any repairs or improvements are needed.

CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS: Review the Constitution & Bylaws annually for clarity, enforceability, and practicability.

DIVERESITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION: Work to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community and association through advocacy, education, and engagement.

EDMOND LEADERS OF TOMORROW: Plan and coordinate events with the Edmond Leaders of Tomorrow group. Events are networking, volunteer and education based.

EDUCATION: Promote awareness of the solid educational background needed for real estate sales, to provide educational programs and quality instructors for Board sponsored courses, to provide support for all OAR and NAR programs.

EVENTS: Provide educational, timely and interesting programs at the monthly membership meetings. Work with event subcommittees.

FINANCE: Preparation, revision and audit of the Board's budget.

GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS & RPAC COMMITTEE: This committee shall monitor city government and inform members of changes in laws or codes affecting the real estate industry; it shall recommend policies and actions to counteract any adverse policies to the real estate industry. This committee is responsible for promoting and fundraising for the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC).

MEMBERSHIP/AFFILIATE: Promote active membership in the board from qualified persons by educating members of their benefits from such membership; serve as host to those in attendance at Board functions.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: Serve on the state committee to conduct hearings and arbitration disputes of legitimate complaints. Committee members must have a minimum of 5 years in the real estate profession and must take required committee training.

PUBLIC RELATIONS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Act as liaison with city officials, local homeowners, Chamber of Commerce and other business and civic organizations to improve the economic development and quality of life in the community. To promote the proper use of the term REALTOR® and the logo of the National Association; to assist and educate members as well as the public in proper use of the term and the service it marks. It shall further be the duty of this Committee to conduct internal and external public relations programs on behalf of the Board.

STRATEGIC PLANNING: Monitor and identify future expansion programs for member service and needs.